After a late night working. Then having to get up at some un-godly hour that should only ever be seen by milkmen and insomniacs, my brain feels like it’s wrapped in cotton wool and needs shutting down pending a re-boot(#1)!
The thought of giving my brain the day off appealed greatly and triggered memories of the EGO-TRIP offered by the Rekal company in the classic Arnie movie - Total Recall……
"What is it that is exactly the same about every single vacation you have ever taken?……
……..You! You're the same. No matter where you go, there you are. It's always the same old you. Let me suggest that you take a vacation from yourself. I know it sounds wild. It is the latest thing. We call it the Ego Trip." (Bob McClane)
What a fantastic idea!!!….
For the days my brain hurts or when I’m bored of being me…. I shall be someone(#2) else!!
But WHO?…
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