Company Profile

SSB Enterprises was set up in December 2007 to showcase all the things that keep its proprietor amused. As he’s easily amused it has come to encompass anything from stupid things that have happened, he’s read about or anything he has a vague interest in.
In March 2008 SSB Enterprises acquired Blatantly Stupid Ideas in a hostile takeover. The new Blatantly Stupid division covers odd ideas, mad ramblings & anything that will probably never see the light of day

Friday, 14 November 2008

I wish I was……..

…….Ozzy Osbourne

Today I’ve mostly been…..

Ozzy Osbourne(#1) and have spent the day..

….. speaking in a mumbly slur, & swearing like a sailor with tourettes.

The day started well enough..

Until I was accused of being unreliable then was replaced with a poison dwarf called Ronnie..

A dinner of bat head soup and dove surprise went down well. But as I was wearing my girlfriends dress, I got confused trying to decide which bathroom to use. So, I relieved myself on a nearby historic landmark & found myself arrested, and then thrown out of town..

The afternoon consisted mainly of heavy drinking. Then a bout of chicken(#2) shooting was enjoyed just before I was re-arrested for trying to throttle my girlfriend.

The evening was spent banging my head on TV cameras, stepping in dog poo and swearing. Then I miraculously turned into a National Treasure??


#1) Or Sir Ozbert of Birmingham as HE should be known!
#2) Or was it Cats?? can't quite remember?!?
Picture by JOSEPH CULTICE courtesy Of

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