Company Profile

SSB Enterprises was set up in December 2007 to showcase all the things that keep its proprietor amused. As he’s easily amused it has come to encompass anything from stupid things that have happened, he’s read about or anything he has a vague interest in.
In March 2008 SSB Enterprises acquired Blatantly Stupid Ideas in a hostile takeover. The new Blatantly Stupid division covers odd ideas, mad ramblings & anything that will probably never see the light of day

Sunday, 9 November 2008

SSB Needs You!

Whilst SSB does not directly employ any personnel. Blatantly Stupid ideas Ltd or any of the ever-increasing Sub-divisions, Sub-companies & departments are always on the look out for people with unique talents.

If you are a recent incumbent of a rubber room, have a severe personality disorder &/or are just vaguely aware of the big wide world. SSB could use you….

Are you?

  • Willing to work for peanuts - preferably just the shells or for nothing
  • Criminally insane - bordering on psychotic(#1)

  • Able to think outside the box - preferably: outside a box on another continent. Ideally: you have no concept of this box thingy other than it might contain a cat(#2) once owned by some fellow named Schrodinger

  • The I in Team - able to totally ignore other peoples suggestions. Argue Your right even when your not. Someone for whom the word Team means You and 'aload of other blokes' whose input you will completely ignore or claim You had already thought off & why hadn’t they made Your tea yet?!

  • Butterfly minded - unable to think in one direction for 5 sec before being sidetracked by a totally different thought wearing shinier shoes

  • If this sounds like You and You’re willing to possibly, maybe, occasionally consider turning up(#3) or you might have an idea SSB Enterprises can unashamedly Steal, copyright then pass off as his own. Apply NOW via email (#4)

    #1) Training available
    #2) Possibly alive, possibly dead…. But, who really cares about cats anyway!!
    #3) Even if it’s just to nick the milk out of the fridge because you’ve run out at home
    #4) Scrawled crayon on ripped shreds of rubber room wall applications will also be accepted

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