Company Profile

SSB Enterprises was set up in December 2007 to showcase all the things that keep its proprietor amused. As he’s easily amused it has come to encompass anything from stupid things that have happened, he’s read about or anything he has a vague interest in.
In March 2008 SSB Enterprises acquired Blatantly Stupid Ideas in a hostile takeover. The new Blatantly Stupid division covers odd ideas, mad ramblings & anything that will probably never see the light of day

Sunday, 16 November 2008

I'll Be Bark!

UnashamedlyStolenCopyrighted&PassOffAsMyOwn Products present...

The star of Canine the Barbarian

.......Arnold Schwarzenegger's Dog?


Anonymous said...

Is that a REAL fu89in Dog ?? !!!!

Sideshow Bob said...

apparently its a whippet called Big Wendy!!

Inspector Clouseau said...

Saw your blog mentioned on blogcatalog's Introduce Your Blog and Yourself notification e-mail, and decided to pay a visit. Glad that I did. Interesting stuff. Keep it up. Welcome to the blogosphere.

Picture of the dog is scary.

Sideshow Bob said...

thanks Logisitician and glad you liked it :)

The dogs a monster.. originaly thought it a paintshop job... but no... check her out HERE